[GENERAL] more nodeError problems and general view failures!

От Stuart Rison
Тема [GENERAL] more nodeError problems and general view failures!
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Ответы Re: [GENERAL] more nodeError problems and general view failures!
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Dear All,

I'm running postgreSQL 6.3.2 under IRIX 5.3 and I'm having a lot of
problems with views especially with error message nodeError:  Bad type 0.

Here are a couple of examples of the problem.  Example one shows a
nodeError yielding set of commands.  Error 2 show problems I've had with
bookbiz, the SQL demonstration database from the Bowman et al. SQL Handbook
[see v. old posting to qpgsql-questions!].  Again I seem to be having a lot
of trouble with views!

I've also included the results of the regression test (I didn't change the
timezone to PST so all time related test were expected to fail).

Thanks for any feedback!



---- Example 1 -----

brecard=> create table test1 (
brecard-> number        int,
brecard-> in_words      text
brecard-> );
brecard=> create view on_test1 as
brecard-> select in_words,number from test1;
brecard=> select * from on_test1;
(0 rows)

brecard=> insert into test1 values (
brecard-> 1,'one');
INSERT 147317 1
brecard=> insert into test1 values (2,'two');
INSERT 147318 1
brecard=> insert into test1 values (3,'three');
INSERT 147319 1
brecard=> select * from on_test1;
one     |     1
two     |     2
three   |     3
(3 rows)
brecard=> create view on_test2 as
brecard-> select in_words,number,number * number as "number squared" from
brecard=> select * from on_test2;
ERROR:  nodeRead: Bad type 0
brecard=> select in_words,number,number * number as "number squared" from
in_words|number|number squared
one     |     1|             1
two     |     2|             4
three   |     3|             9
(3 rows)
brecard=> drop view on_test2;
ERROR:  nodeRead: Bad type 0

------- Example 2 ------

brecard=> \connect bookbiz
connecting to new database: bookbiz
bookbiz=> select * from cateries;
PQexec() -- Request was sent to backend, but backend closed the channel
before responding.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally before or
while processing the request.
bookbiz=> \d cateries
PQexec() -- There is no connection to the backend.
bookbiz=> \connect bookbiz
connecting to new database: bookbiz
bookbiz=> \d cateries

Table    = cateries
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| catery                           | char()                           |    12 |
| average_price                    | money                            |     4 |


---- Regression test results ----

=============== Notes...                              =================
postmaster must already be running for the regression tests to succeed.
The time zone is now set to PST8PDT explicitly by this regression test
 client frontend. Please report any apparent problems to
See regress/README for more information.

=============== destroying old regression database... =================
ERROR:  destroydb: database regression does not exist.
destroydb: database destroy failed on regression.
=============== creating new regression database...   =================
=============== running regression queries...         =================
boolean ..  ok
char ..  ok
char2 ..  ok
char4 ..  ok
char8 ..  ok
char16 ..  ok
varchar ..  ok
text ..  ok
strings ..  failed
int2 ..  failed
int4 ..  failed
oid ..  ok
oidint2 ..  failed
oidint4 ..  failed
oidname ..  ok
float4 ..  ok
float8 ..  failed
numerology ..  ok
point ..  ok
lseg ..  ok
box ..  ok
path ..  ok
polygon ..  ok
circle ..  ok
geometry ..  failed
timespan ..  ok
datetime ..  ok
reltime ..  ok
abstime ..  failed
tinterval ..  failed
horology ..  failed
comments ..  ok
create_function_1 ..  ok
create_type ..  ok
create_table ..  ok
create_function_2 ..  ok
constraints ..  failed
triggers ..  ok
copy ..  ok
create_misc ..  ok
create_aggregate ..  ok
create_operator ..  ok
create_view ..  ok
create_index ..  ok
sanity_check ..  ok
errors ..  failed
select ..  ok
select_into ..  ok
select_distinct ..  ok
select_distinct_on ..  ok
subselect ..  ok
aggregates ..  ok
transactions ..  ok
random ..  failed
portals ..  ok
misc ..  ok
arrays ..  ok
btree_index ..  ok
hash_index ..  ok
select_views ..  ok
alter_table ..  ok
portals_p2 ..  ok

| Stuart Rison            | Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research |
+-------------------------+ University College London            |
| Tel. (0171) 878 4041    | 91 Riding House Street               |
| Fax. (0171) 878 4040    | London, W1P 8BT, UNITED KINGDOM.     |
| stuart@NOJUNK_ludwig.ucl.ac.uk [Remove NOJUNK_ for it to work] |

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От: Bruce Momjian
Сообщение: Re: [GENERAL] translate "bug"?
От: Stuart Rison
Сообщение: Re: [GENERAL] translate "bug"?